About the Fivefold Ministry

We believe:

  • that the five fold ministry exists for equipping and building up of the body as different gifts are given to believers for the common good if practiced in a humble, loving and mature way (Eph 4:12).
  • that Jesus represented each one of these perfectly and therefore is a role model for how we should exercise them (John 20:21; Luke 24:19; Luke 4:43; John 10:11; Mark 1:22)
  • that Jesus gave these to the church as part of her inheritance in Christ, that inheritance has not been revoked, and they are still active today (Eph 4:8-11)
  • that each of these are gifts given in grace and empower believers for their calling (Eph 4:1; 4:7)
  • that each believer has latent potential in these five areas albeit in different measures (Eph 4:7)
  • that each gift & ministry should be others-focused, and practiced in a humble, loving and mature way (Eph 4:2)
  • that the synergy of these gifts results in unity, health, maturity, and ultimately, the fullness of Christ (Eph 4:13-16)
  • in a model of church governance by a plurality of elders (Titus 1:5)
  • and that no gift of the five is superior to the elders of the church who are to shepherd the flock.
  • Optimally elders have different gifts to ensure various perspectives are represented for the common good of the church but all need to be able to teach according to scripture in a model of church governance by a plurality of elders (Titus 1:5) and that no gift of the five is superior to the elders of the church who are to shepherd the flock.
  • Optimally elders have different gifts to ensure various perspectives are represented for the common good of the church but all need to be able to teach according to scripture in supernatural signs and wonders for today if their purpose is to glorify God, not man (John 14:12; Matt 5:16) in supernatural signs and wonders for today if their purpose is to glorify God, not man (John 14:12; Matt 5:16).
  • that discipleship can be done along these five lines to help people grow in each of the areas to become more like Christ (2 Tim 2:2; Rom 8:29; 2 Co 3:18)


We do not believe:

  • that there is a hierarchy of apostles or prophets over the elders of the church.
  • in extra-biblical revelation that contradicts the word of God.
  • in a works-based salvation.


Furthermore, we do not support or associate with the so called „New Apostolic Reformation“. We do not discourage people from attending local churches, and we do not believe in dominionism (to take over the rule within society to enable Jesus to come back), but rather believe that Jesus‘ kingdom is a spiritual not worldly kingdom.


If you would like to ask any further question relating to how we do ministry or what we believe, please feel free to get in touch with us via email to info@kyriosministries.org. We would be happy to also meet face-to-face.